Shooting the shit

Lenny took me to my first shooting range.

Jordan taught me how to use the shotgun.

I have a bruise on my shoulder from using this thing.

It's hard to tell in the picture, but the targets were so adorable. Little ducks and pigs.

We also shot a semi automatic and a rifle.

I was the best at the revolver.

I'm pretty sure he's dead and I think I just found a new hobby.

And then it was 2009

We celebrated over at Gerard's

Eugenia and Lin


My wife Ashley

She's black

Stef and Kaylee stopped by

So this is Christmas.

Lin got a new record player.


Lin made the lasagna and Eugenia made the bread. It was a an exquisite feast. Thank you for your hospitality.
Then we stopped at a bar to meet Abe.

He's all sorts of wonderful.

The Jap Pack.

Met up with some more.

Sinatra and Gidget shared a spoon.